Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Work it, baby!

"Nobody's perfect! I gotta work it!"

Sometimes we put up a sweet smile for the world to see, even when it seems as if the only one laughing is life itself! Yet we go on, blending in at the office with our best face forward.

A couple years ago I enrolled in a pastry chef course at Napa Valley's wine country. When student loans could not cover tuition, I withdrew my admission and instead began the traditional 9 to 5 office routine.

Dreams and passion are the stuff of life and should never be neglected! Yet how can you describe a red rose to citizens of a black and white world?

I am, and always will be a pastry chef!

Meanwhile, life has opened many other doors for me; I've met the love of my life, got married and bought a nice little house complete with two cars and two dogs. Of course, nobody is perfect. For the past 6 months I've been trying to conceive, and I'm still trying!

Those who've ridden the ttc roller coaster can appreciate how mind boggling the ride truly is. Between charts, dates, and the never ending waiting game, baby dreams start to invade all your thoughts and become a part of everything you do! Some subjects are not easy to approach to friends and co-workers and we carry in silence.

Hopefully this blog will help me keep my sanity by prying me away from calendars, and I'll instead join you in the blogosphere!